August 13, 2014

Casually Dressed Up

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Blouse - Victoria's Secret (old), Knit Pencil Skirt - Target (similar here), Nude Heels - Lulu's, Bag - Roots Small School Bag
A knit pencil skirt is probably my favorite piece of clothing. They're stretchy, comfy, and can be dressed up or down.  I find myself struggling with what to wear to work even though I work in a pretty casual office environment.  Most days I'm running late so I wear a lot of the same things but in different combinations and I like to dress it up a bit.  I find that when I throw in a little more effort with what I wear I feel better throughout the day and am even more productive! That's something I learned from my high school English teacher.  She would make us dress up before big tests because she said it provided that extra boost of confidence that can make a pretty big difference in the way we feel and perform.  So even if its one of those days when you're feeling unmotivated and really don't want to go to work, throw on a skirt and some heels, maybe a swipe of bright lipstick and get to it! 


  1. I loooove knit pencil skirts! I'm wearing so many more skirts now that they're readily available in at or below the knee lengths. They're timeless and elegant and machine washable---WIN!

    You look just lovely here:)

  2. That's so true. Even when I am just working from home, I get so much more done if I'm dressed in real clothes with shoes on than I do when I put leggings and slippers on.
