September 17, 2014

LA Lady

 photo DenimShortsampHeels_zps617bbb34.jpg  photo Summershortsampshirt_zps220fb6e8.jpg  photo Denimshortswithheels_zps1cbe5fe6.jpg  photo DenimShorts_zpse1de81a3.jpg  photo RootsSmallSchoolbag_zps057ca471.jpg 
Blouse - Mango, Denim Shorts - Victoria's Secret, Heels - Lulu's, Bag - Roots 

I have a love/hate relationship with LA.  I absolutely love it because it is and always will be my home and there are SO many amazing restaurants and things to do but lately I've just been kind of over it.  The traffic is awful, drivers are even worse and there's this materialistic mindset everywhere. Urth Cafe does kind of make up for all of that though as it is probably one of my top 5 favorite restaurants in LA.  It was freaking hot this weekend so I tried to stay cool with these denim shorts and this breezy top I found at Mango.  This week is going by so quickly and I feel like I'm drowning with all the stuff I have yet to do before the weekend.  Seriously someone needs to write a book on how to be an adult cuz I like really struggle...can't I just be a kid and go play outside? Those were some great times. xoxo,

P.S. Sorry for rambling.  It is 6 in the morning and I think my brain is still half asleep. :p



  1. I feel you—I think I will always have a love/hate relationship with every city. Cute outfit, I love the bag! xx


  2. You look beautiful and I loved this look ! :)

  3. I've always wanted to visit LA. I'm going next year which I'm incredibly excited about. Great photography by the way.

    Nik x

    NIKJAMESS | Fashion & Lifestyle

  4. Ha ha ha! I totally agree! Being an adult can be such a pain! And as much as I love city life, it can also completely grate on my nerves sometimes.
    Grumbling aside, I really like how your shoes totally elevate that casual outfit to a whole other level.
    :) Alice

  5. I would love to live in LA and plan on doing so one day. I love the outfit and love how the shoes make it a little more dressy!

  6. Such a cute look! I love they way you combined your denim on denim with a classy nude heel :)

    - Madison
